Oxalis Tetraphylla
A Day in the Lifesupervised by Seth Denizen
Location: Mexico
Date: 2020
Oxalis tetraphylla is a bulbous perennial wood sorrel native to Mexico. It is recognized by its four green heart-shaped leaves containing a purple heart. The purple variations can appear as either band, a filled center, or even reversed from the outside inwards. The oxalis is often mistaken for a clover, which has a distinct rounded leaf instead of heart-shaped. Between late spring and summer, the oxalis will bloom a pinkish reddish flower, known as an ionoxalis scopulorum rose.
Our herbarium sheet represents the oxalis tetraphylla by additionally re-interpreting and illustrating the life that surrounds the oxalis. The plant existing constantly fending off on three fronts--- wildlife, people, and industry. Plant similar to C.G. Pringle as pacfisit being attacked.
A combination of the bulb and the high oxalic acid content of the plant help fend off wildlife quite well. Grazing animals like cows will eat the leaves and stems, but the bulb is safely tucked below, ready to sprout again. In addition, the oxalic acid’s acidic taste and ability to cause kidney stones deters animals from feeding it on it. However, the oxalis must be wary of the gopher as it will dig into the ground to find the corm to eat. The bulb is starchy and rich in oxalic acid.
The oxalis is considered an undesired and invasive weed by many; therefore, people are constantly trying to eliminate it. Since it is a bulb, trying to pull out the oxalis becomes a fruitless effort, as the stems will come off, but the bulb will stay protected in the soil. Being branded as a weed led many to use garlon as a pesticide for oxalis, but garlon has dubious efficacy and is classified as a tier 1 herbacide, especially dangerous to children who often eat oxalis, a sour treat. Despite being undesired, the oxalis actually provides a lot as a ground cover. It goes dormant in the winter months but keeps the soil together, and the withered leaves and stems enrich the ground with phosphorus.
The third frontier for the oxalis is against the industry. The soil is often poisoned with sewage sludge or run-off from zinc and lead smelters. Fortunately, oxalic acid serves as a chelating agent and is both within the oxalis and excreted by the roots. Oxalic acid can capture a plethora of heavy metals, including zinc, cadmium, and lead. This property brought into the modern context allows the oxalis to be an excellent soil remediator for heavy metals. As a soil remediator, the oxalis acid is also able to bind to calcium. While this typically causes kidney stones in organisms, in calcified soil, it remediates the soil while storing calcium in the bulb for future use. With calcium oxalate stored in the bulb, the oxalis can go dormant in the winter or resprout easily when eaten.